Running a simulation -------------------- To run a simulation, issue a command like the following:: wm mod [modfile] [stimfile] [respfile] where **wm** is the name of the executable, **mod** specifies that a model is to be run, and the three arguments in square brackets are names of parameter files: #. modfile - The model file contains the model description, and has a **.moo** file extension. #. stimfile - The stimulus file contains the stimulus description, and has a **.stm** file extension. #. respfile - The response file contains the response specification, and has a **.rsp** file extension. For general rules about parameters, see below. Parameter values can be specified on the command line following the **.rsp** file name. To do this, give any number of pairs where the first element of the pair is the parameter name and the second element is the parameter value. For example:: wm mod v1.moo sine.stm spike.rsp contrast 0.5 direction 45 This command runs the 'v1.moo' model with **contrast** set to 0.5 and **direction** set to 45 degrees. The parameter names, contrast and direction, must already appear in one of the parameter files. The values given on the command line will be substituted for the values given in the file. Some parameters have multiple values, and the following format is used to change one among those multiple values:: ... VARGEN_seed.6 1001 where 'VARGEN_seed' is a parameter name and the '.6' is added to indicate that the 6th value (values are numbered starting at 1) is to be changed to '1001'. Model files of the **.moo** type have a hierarchical structure, and parameters are referred to on the command line as follows:: tn 128 32 2.0 where the first example refers to the top level parameter 'tn' and the second refers to 'xn' within 'geometry' within the population with name 'in'. In the third example, the 'mech' object is not unique, so '.ex' is added where 'ex' is the name of the mechanism.