
For the 'grid' stimulus type (and the binocular barnoise stimulus), compute the spike-triggered average (STA).


Parameter definitions:

STA sub-types

Binocular Ineraction RF - (sta_type barnoise_bi). This analysis is described in Figure 2 of Anzai, Ohzawa and Freeman (1999) J Neurphysiol 82:891--908. This essentially transforms a 1-D barnoise stimulus with n bars into an n by n grid where the value in the (i,j) pixel is set by multiplying the value of bar i in the left eye with bar j in the right eye. For example, if both bars are white (1 x 1) or black (-1 x -1) the value is set to be 1. If the bars have opposite values, then the pixel value is negative. The STA is then performed between the spikes and the stimulus sequence at each pixel. This analysis writes out a .tmon file that can be visualized using a command like, "tmon_grid sta_file foo.tmon".

Default grid analysis - (sta_type default). The default STA analysis type works for the stimulus of type 'grid'.


#  grid_sta

sta_start -49
sta_period 50
data_offset -10


#  barnoise_bi

sta_start -100        # Start of STA plot, relative to spike at t=0
sta_period 200        # Duration of STA plot

data_offset 0         # Start time of stimulus relative to spike trial start
sta_type barnoise_bi  # STA analysis sub-type ["deftaul"], "barnoise_bi"