
Compute PSTH plots and average firing rate statistcs across triggers that correspond to the occurrence of particular stimuli within random sequence stimuli. This currently works for the following 'stim_type': Two output files are written, having the name from the nda command line, and the name >outfile< The former contains spike rate statistics as shown below, whereas the latter containst PSTH plots in xplot format. The stat file format is as follows (but does not contain any headers):
    P1  P2    SR      N
   --- --- -------  ----
     0   1  2.6377   19
     0   2  2.6379   19
     0   3  1.8408   19

  P1:  grid position of patch 1
  P2:  grid position of patch 2 (This column absent if only 1 patch)
  SR:  average firing rate during window defined by 'sr_start' and 'sr_period'
   N:  number of times the stimulus was averaged into the 'SR' estimate


The output type (on the third line of the .nda file) can be


Examples are given below.


#  This will write two output files, the first will have the  name
#    given on the 'nda ... ' command line, and the second file name will have
#    the additional string, "" added to it (it containst xplot PSTHs).
#    The first file contains spike rate statistics as follows (w/o headers):
#    P1  P2    SR      N
#   --- --- -------  ----
#     0   1  2.6377   19
#     0   2  2.6379   19
#     0   3  1.8408   19
#        ...
#  P1:  grid position of patch 1
#  P2:  grid position of patch 2 (This column absent if only 1 patch)
#  SR:  average firing rate during window defined by 'sr_start' and 'sr_period'
#   N:  number of times the stimulus was averaged into the 'SR' estimate

chan unit0

psth_start   -50          # Start of PSTH window relative to stimulus trigger
psth_period  350          # Length of PSTH window

sr_start  40              # Time window for average response computation
sr_period 120             #   Start and duration, w.r.t. stimulus trigger

sigma 10.0                # SD of Gaussian for smoothing the response

stim_type   gabor_britt   # Stimulus type
format      all           # "all" - make plots for all unique triggers