
Make plots of mean firing rate (and continuous data - partially implemented) across trials. Error bars show plus and minus one standard error (or standard deviation) around the mean.

The parameters that varies over the set of desired tuning curves should be used as the grouping parameters.

Now, the 'tcode' field, which typically holds the stimulus number or ID value, can be used for grouping. See 'Tcode Grouping' below.

The "condition" statements should be used to select only those stimuli which are members of the tuning curve(s) to be plotted and to exclude baseline or other stimuli.

In the regular parameter section, two baselines may be established using the names "baseline0" and "baseline1", using the format:

  baseline0 groupdef [param_name] [param_val] ... [param_name] [param_val]
  baseline1 groupdef [param_name] [param_val] ... [param_name] [param_val]
If the baseline rate is to be computed from a particular period across all trials, then set the parameters 'bstart' and 'bperiod' to define such an epoch during the trial. When defined, this baseline rate will be subtracted from the tuning curve.

Output types


Examples are given below.

Tcode Grouping

Example - single tuning curve:

#  "ori" varies, ampl is 0 for background stimulus.
group 1 ori

xaxis_convert ori_mirror
baseline0 groupdef ampl 0

param_range ampl 1 1024

Example - set of tuning curves (matrix):

#  "dt" and "dr" vary.  A set of plots for each "dt" as a function
#  of "dr" is produced.  Reversing the group parameters changes the
#  axes of the tuning curves.
group 2 dt dr

baseline0 groupdef ampl 0

param_range ampl 1 1024

Example - Translation invariance

#  This SR analysis output type assumes that the first parameter (in the list
#  following "group" below) is a position parameter, for example 'cx' or 'cy',
#  and the other parameters (following 'cx' below) define the space of stimuli
#  that have been shown at each position.  In this example, the 'direction'
#  has been varied at each 'cx' position.  An alternative example of the
#  'group' line could be:
#    group 3 cx shape_id rotation
#  which would indicated that a variety of shapes were shown at different
#  rotations at each 'cx' position.
group 2 cx direction

chan s2

corr_reference  0.0   # This is an optional parameter that defaults to 0.0
                      # if it is not included in the .nda file.
                      # It determines the x-axis value that will be used as
                      # the reference point to compute r-values for all other
                      # x-axis positions.

#  This condition is used to select a y-position ('cy') value, in case 'cy'
#  also varies in the file.  If it does not, then this value is not needed.
param_val cy 0.0

Example - Tcode Sequences:

#  Three tuning curves are specified.
#  'dir' will be the default x-axis.
group 3 ori ampl dir

start 0
period 2000

TSEQ_0  0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7
TSEQ_0_NAME griffiths
TSEQ_0_X 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27

TSEQ_1  8  9 10 11 12 13 14 15

TSEQ_2 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
TSEQ_2_NAME island