Look-up parameters and conditions

This feature allows analyses to be customized for each data file to be analyzed without having to create a new script for each file. Parameters can be looked up by the 'infile' name (without the path). The syntax is:

lookup          [pname] [filename] [fieldname]
lookup_int_op   [pname] [filename] [fieldname] [op] [ival]
  where 'op' is + - * /
lookup_float_op [pname] [filename] [fieldname] [op] [fval]
  where 'op' is + - * / pow
Which will cause the value of pname to be taken from the record in filename which begins with the input file name ('infile'). The data file must be of the form:
n m
fname_1 ... fname_m
d_1_1 ... d_1_m
d_n_1 ... d_n_m
Where n is the number of records, m the number of fields, fname refers to field names and d refers to the data values for all fields of all records.

Look-up conditions

These work like look-up parameters, but have a more elaborate and general format. The syntax is:

  lookup <filename> <cstr>  <astr> | <[fstr]> ...
where, filename is the name of the file that contains the lookup table, cstr is any condition specifier, astr is any string, and fstr is any field name in the look-up table enclosed in square brackets, []. Note, any part of the above expression, except for the first two items, can be inside []'s and will be looked up and replaced. For example, the following line
  lookup  table.txt  param_range  contrast  [c_low]  [c_high]
would cause the values for c_low and c_high in the file table.txt to be substituted for the bracketed expressions.