#  gabor_brit_demo.stm
stim_type  gabor_britt # Britten & Heuer (1999)
stim_samp    1000.0    # Stimulus sampling rate
stim_mean_zero  0      # Stimulus value range, 0-[0,1], 1-[-1,1]

st0          0.000   # start time (s) sine1
stn        100.000   # duration (s) sine1
cx           0       # Center of aperture along x-axis (deg)
cy           0       # Center of aperture along y-axis (deg)
grid_xn      5       # Number of position along grid
grid_dx    2.0       # (deg) space between grid positions
n_patch      2       # Number of patches to display (1 or 2)

dur_full     0.010   # (s) Duration of each patch at full contrast
dur_ramp     0.006   # (s) Duration of ramp from 0 to full contrast
dur_sep      0.0     # (s) Duration of separation between stimuli
etf         50.0     # (Hz) Effective TF

phase       90.0     # Odd symmetric Gabor, as shown in B&H1999
g_amp        1.60    # Gabor amplitude

n_epoch      0       # Number of stimulus epochs to show (0-use max possible)

seed      1777       # Random sequence
direction    0       # direction (use this as base direction)
ranseq_offset  0     # Offset into random sequence of all possible combinations
                     #   E.g., for 5x5, there are 300 unique pairs, which will
                     #   be shuffled, and this indexes into the shuffled list
                     #   and the index will wrap around if needed.

sf           0.5     # Spatial frequency (cyc/deg)
sd_orth      0.40    # (deg) SD orthogonal to Gabor
sd_par       0.80    # (deg) SD parallel to Gabor
contrast     1.0     # Contrast
bgval        0.5     # background value [0..1]
maxlum       1.0     # Maximum luminance
stim_nrpt    1       # Number of repeats

### Parameters below are controlled by the model during execution
stim_frame_xn          128      # x size (pixels)
stim_frame_yn          128      # y size (pixels)
stim_frame_tn          128      # t size (image frames)
stim_frame_sscale        0.1    # spatial scale (deg/pix)
stim_frame_tscale        0.002  # temporal scale (s/frame)
stim_frame_binoc_dxn    16      # width of space between frames (pix)
stim_frame_binoc_amp     0.0    # luminance of space between frames