#  rds_3dm_bip_anti - Random Dot Stereogram, 3D modulation in depth, anti-corr.
stim_type  rds_mid_mod   # Stimulus type
stim_samp   1000.0       # Stimulus sampling rate (images/s)
stim_form   3d_b         # Binocular stimulus
stim_nrpt      1         # Number of repeats
stim_mean_zero 0         # If 1, also make bgval=0.0 and bipolar=1

st0            0.0    # start time (s)
stn            2.048  # duration (s)
cx             0.0    # Center of aperture along x-axis (deg)
cy             0.0    # Center of aperture along y-axis (deg)
dotsize        1.0    # SD of Gaussian for dot (pixels)
dotdens        8.0    # Dots per square degree per frame
bipolar        1      # 0-unipolar, 1-bipolar [1]
dotcorr       -1      # 1-normal, 0-spatially uncorr., -1-opposite sign [1]
dot_seed    1777      # randomization seed
distrib        7      # Distribution (1-Gaussian, 2-binary, 7-mseq)
mseq_ord      11      # Order of m-sequence (8-16)
seed         101      # Seed (or tap value) for randomization
step_pref      1.0    # Size of preferred motion step [1.0]
step_anti     -1.0    # Size of anti-pref. motion step [-1.0]
dt             5      # Dwell - frames to hold a random value
speed          4.0    # Speed of dot motion in each eye (deg/s)
max_shift      0.1    # Maximum lateral shift before dot disappears
ampl           1.0    # Amplitude of dot, or CONTRAST for BIPOLAR display
size           2.0    # Aperture size (degrees of visual angle)
aptype         0      # Aperture type (0-none, 1-circular, 2-square, 3-Gaussian)
depth_envelope 4      # Contrast envelope vs depth, 0-square, 1-tent, 2-sqrt,
                      #   3-cos, 4-circle
bgval          0.5    # Background amplitude [0..1]
maxlum         1.0    # Maximum luminance

#  These parameters are used only when dumping the stimulus for viewing
#  as a 3D data file.  They are not used when running a model.
stim_frame_xn          128      # x size (pixels)
stim_frame_yn          128      # y size (pixels)
stim_frame_tn          128      # t size (image frames)
stim_frame_sscale        0.025  # spatial scale (deg/pix)
stim_frame_tscale        0.002  # temporal scale (s/frame)
stim_frame_binoc_dxn    16      # width of space between frames (pix)
stim_frame_binoc_amp     0.0    # luminance of space between frames