
INDEX   of all model parameter files.

Retinal Network Models

Ret_Mesh - Dynamic, L-M cone retina model with horizontal cell resistive mesh.

ELC_V1_Simp - Equiluminance cells in V1, built from a dynamic color retina circuit.

Ret_Wav_FBARS - Spontaneous waves in a simple Amacrine and Ganglion cell circuit.

Network Population Models

DS_Post_Fac - Direction selective population using a post-synaptic delay and facilitatory interaction.

DS_Post_Sup - Direction selective population using a post-synaptic delay and suppressive interaction.

DS_Pre_Fac - Direction selective population using a pre-synaptic delay and facilitatory interaction.

DS_Pre_Sup - Direction selective population using a pre-synaptic delay and suppressive interaction.

DS_PrePost_Fac - Direction selective population using both pre- and post-synaptic delays and facilitatory interaction.

DS_Post_Fac_T2 - Direction selective population built from two temporal channels, otherwise like DS_Post_Fac.

DS_Simp - Direction selective simple cell from summation of excitatory and inhibitory inputs.

1D filter models

LinearCommon - Linear filter, common input, Poisson

Simple filter models

DoG - Difference of Gaussian, center-surround unit

GaborSimp - Orientation selective simple cell, Gabor filter

GaborComp - Orientation selective complex cell, Gabor filters

DS_Gabor_One - Direction selective Gabor filter, one-branch

Motion Energy (ME) Models

MEO_Gabor - Opponent Motion Energy (ME) model built with Gabor functions.

ME_Gabor - Non-opponent Motion Energy (ME) model built with Gabor functions.

MEO_Gabor_Rot - Opponent Motion Energy (ME) model built with Gabor functions, with rotated (inseparable) Gaussian envelopes.

ME_Gabor_Rot - Non-opponent Motion Energy (ME) model built with Gabor functions, with rotated (inseparable) Gaussian envelopes.

Binocular Disparity Energy (BDE) Models

BDE_Gabor - Binocular Disparity Energy (ME) model built with Gabor functions.

BDE_Gabor_DS - Binocular Disparity Energy (ME) model with direction selective responses.

BDE_CWQ - Binocular Disparity Energy (ME) models with temporal response diversity (based on Chen et al., 2001)

BDE_RPC - Binocular Disparity Energy (ME) models with rectified monocular inputs (based on Read et al., 2002)

Reichardt Detectors

RD_Exp_T - Reichardt Detector array with exponential temporal filters.

RD_2Gabor - 1/2 Reichardt Detector based on two Gabor filters in quadrature.

RD_2Gabor_Rect - 1/2 Reichardt Detector based on rectified signals from two Gabor filters.

V4 Models

V4_HMax - Hierarchical filter model of V4 boundary curvature selectivity (based on Cadieu et al., 2007).

V5/MT Models

V5_ME - Pattern and component cell model of MT/V5 driven by Gabor motion energy filters (based on Rust et al., 2006).

Deep Convolutional Neural Networks

DCN_AlexNet - An implementation of AlexNet, an image classification convolutional neural network.